miercuri, 18 ianuarie 2012

Manifestul Holstee (The Holstee Manifesto)

Aceasta este viata ta.
This is your life.

Traieste-o facand ceea ce iubesti si iubeste des.
Live it by doing what you love and fall in love often.

Daca ceva nu iti place, schimba.
If there is something that you don’t like, change it!

Daca nu-ti place locul de munca, demisioneaza.
If you don’t like your job, quit.

Daca nu ai suficient timp, nu te mai uita la televizor.
If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV.

Daca te afli in cautarea iubirii vietii tale, opreste-te; aceasta te va va gasi atunci cand vei incepe sa faci ceea ce iubesti.
If you are searching for the love of your life stop; it will find you when you will start doing what you love;

Cand mananci, savureaza fiecare inghititura.
While eating, enjoy every bite.

Calatoreste des. Ratacindu-te te vei gasi pe tine.
Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself.

Unele oportunitati vin doar o data. Profita de ele.
Some opportunities only come once: seize them.

Deschide-ti mintea, bratele si inima catre oamenii noi.
Open your mind, arms and soul to new people.

Diferentele dintre noi ne unesc.
We are united in our differences.

Intreba urmatoarea persoana pe care o vezi care ii sunt pasiunile si impartaseste-ti pasiunile cu ea.
Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring passion with them.

Viata e alcatuita din oamenii pe care ii intalnesti si lucrurile pe care le creati impreuna, deci iesi afara si creeaza.
Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them, so go out and start creating.

Viata e scurta.
Life is short.

Traieste-ti visele si impartaseste-ti pasiunile.
Live your dreams and share your passions.

Thanks Miha & Lidia! :*

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